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Meet in Ireland 2019

An afternoon of fun at the K Club

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The majestic County Kildare estate of the K Club was the scene of an action-packed and fun-filled afternoon of team-building, as part of the ‘Meet in Ireland 2019’ programme.

The day, designed by experience creation company Orangeworks, was a masterclass in group bonding exercises, adventures and teamwork, and helped to cement relationships between 60 international business tourism buyers and a host of Irish MICE suppliers and regional convention bureaux representatives from across Ireland.

Upon arrival at the five-star Irish venue, celebratory bubbles and fresh sushi platters struck a welcoming, luxurious note, with refreshments swiftly followed by some quirky adventures in the great outdoors. Axe-throwing challenges were not just fun and games, but also a way of testing both strength and accuracy and raising energy levels, while raft-building tested the ability of the attendees to work together as a team.

Challenges completed, chills and fatigue were banished with some deliciously hot Irish whiskeys served up in the woods — well-deserved by the overseas visitors, at this stage familiar with some of the exciting incentive activities and experiences made possible in Ireland. Read about the full educational trip itineraries here.


Your Shortlist

Here is your Meet in Ireland shortlist of amazing venues, luxury accommodation and world class services.
