When Löwen-Club – the high-end members’ group of casino company Löwen Entertainment – embarked on a quest for the perfect combination of annual meeting and luxury incentive, it was Dublin-based DMC Aspects of Ireland that stepped up to meet their needs.
Chief among Löwen-Club’s requirements was a four or five star hotel in the city centre, with a spacious meeting room and a restaurant that could provide a delicious welcome dinner. Excellent service with a homely atmosphere was crucial; following a Meet In Ireland-supported site inspection, they decided on the Merrion Hotel for its friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

From consultations with their client, Aspects of Ireland were well briefed on the need for a mixed programme of activities for delegates, ones that would explore the delights of Dublin City and its history, as well as some more adventurous pursuits.
They assembled a proposal and costings, which included accommodation, dining options, excursions and activity ideas, transport and guides.
When the delegates arrived at the Merrion Hotel and checked in to their rooms, positive first impressions were sealed by an elegant welcome letter and gift waiting for them. The attendees enjoyed their annual meeting in the stunning surrounds of the Wellesley Room, before partaking of an exclusive private dinner in the hotel’s Cellar Restaurant.
The following day, the delegate group embarked on a voyage of discovery around Dublin, with a customised trail that explored Dublin’s cuisine and musical heritage, with optional tours in the afternoon to give them the chance to choose their unique activity.
On the final day, the delegates got closer to nature with a range of country pursuits and rounds of golf on the grounds of historic Carton House in Kildare. A barbeque lunch was followed by a final evening meal at Cliff Townhouse, the perfect end to an experience that took in the true scope of luxurious incentive opportunities that Ireland can provide.