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Add a Corporate Social Responsibility element to your next MICE event in Galway

Support Galway's community and natural environment with a fun run, seed planting and cleaner beaches!

Giving Back to the Local Community with COPE Galway

Row of joggers' legs

COPE Galway provides support services to some of the most vulnerable and isolated people in Galway. Galway Convention Bureau have collaborated with them to offer a virtual event to your delegates. A fun 10K run is a great way to see Galway city – something to share on social media while raising funds for a worthy cause.

Delegates can register for the event on Eventbrite. A registration fee of €20 is required.

Delegate numbers: Unlimited
What it is: A Fun Run completed in your own time
Who it supports: Vulnerable and isolated men, women and children in Galway
Time needed: Enough time to complete 10K run, walk or jog
Who to contact: Rose Finn

Bring the Bees Back Irish Wildflower Seed Planting

A bee on a purple flower

One-third of all Irish wild bee species are threatened with extinction by 2030. Habitat loss and the constant decline of wildflowers is causing this rapid decline. This is serious for Ireland and serious for its people; biodiversity is crucial for many reasons and wildflowers are crucial to biodiversity. 

Get a group of your delegates together and do some wildflower seed planting to help bring the bees back. Four weeks’ notice is required to arrange.

Delegate numbers: 220
What it is: Gardening (dependant on time of year for planting)
Who it supports: The environment
Time needed: One hour
Who to contact: Rose Finn

Wild Atlantic Way Beach Clean, Galway City and County

A stoney beach in Galway

Marine litter kills, injures and causes pain and suffering and every year entails great economic costs and losses to people and communities around the world (United Nations Environment Programme, 2005).

The impact to marine life includes entanglement and ingestion, while people are ingesting microplastics and beaches are being contaminated.

Delegates can form a beach clean group under the supervision of a local club or volunteer. Four weeks’ notice is required.

Delegate numbers: 250
What it is: Beach clean
Who it supports: Marine life, our people and economy
Time needed: 23 hours
Who to contact: Rose Finn

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